Tips for Oily Skin

First let's bury the myth that certain foods increase the oil production in our skin. There is no proven evidence that this occurs.It is a known fact that when there is a change in hormone levels the skin tends to become oilier and triggers outbreaks of acne.

Usually this is more common for teenagers and young adults. However, some women tend to notice oily skin prior to their menstrual periods. It is not uncommon for pregnant or menopausal women to have bouts of oily skin as well as those on certain types of birth control pills.Want more tips on how to keep skin and body healthy then you can click here yoga asanas for weight loss and how to remove dark circles in 2 days .

Fear not, knowing the do's and don'ts for treating oily skin, including some home remedies will not only treat the problem but your wallet with much happier.


Use slightly acidic, gently PH balanced, skin cleansers in the morning and evening. The key here is that the protective acid in the cleanser keeps bacteria from entering the body through the skin. Most soaps that are alkaline based leave the skin exposed to bacteria.

Exfoliate your skin by using apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Apply this at bedtime with a cotton ball and leave on for 5 - 10 minutes. Rinse completely with cool water, not hot water which opens the pores allowing bacteria and dirt to congregate.This is also a great acne treatment for oily skin.

Use cleansers which contain salicylic acid. These cleansers not only will treat oily skin but penetrate the pores and help remove fats that clog the pores which lead to blackheads.

Citrus fruits and cucumbers are a great home remedy for fighting oily skin and refresh the skin. Mix lemon juice and cucumber juice and pat onto the face. Once dry, rinse face with warm water followed by a cool rinse.

Another home remedy is to use egg yolks. No we are not making an omelet. Using a cotton ball, dab the egg yolk to the oily parts of the face. After 15 minutes rinse off with cool water.

If you must wear foundation then select one that is 'oil-free'. This will alleviate clogging the pores and creating a shine on the face. Powder blushes are recommended over cream formulas.

Washing your face during the day may be difficult especially for women who wear makeup. An alternative is to use blotting papers. These absorb the excess oily on the skin without irritating the skin. Blotting paper contains a small amount of powder which can even out skin color.Get to know more about protein rich food for vegetarians


Avoid using creamy or milk products that deposit unneeded oils on the skin.

Sleeping on a dirty pillowcase that has absorbed dirt and grease will wind up on your face. To keep your freshly washed face clean, remember to change your pillowcase frequently.

Although moisturizing sounds appealing they actually will clog the pores resulting in acne. Instead use a gel or serum with anti-aging ingredients.To get more info  on oily skin click here .

Avoid using sunscreens that are cream-based which will make oily skin greasier. Look for sunscreens that are powder based.

Avoid the urge to over wash your face. Oily skin isn't a result from poor hygiene so excess cleaning will not help with oily skin. Washing your face too much can deprive your face of the essential oils that serve as a natural barrier to irritants. Washing your face twice a day and using blotting paper in between will ensure that your face does not become red and raw.

Avoid picking at pimples which can spread the infection to other parts of the face. Resist the urge to touch your face or lean on your chin and cheek. Clean hands are the best defense for this.

Practicing the aforementioned do's and don'ts will lead to healthier oil free skin.


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