Five All-Time Favorite Foods For Hair Growth

Your hair needs the right nutrients in order to grow at it's maximum rate. So this means that you're going to have to eat certain foods that are tailored for the growth of your hair.

In this article I've penned down the five all-time favorite foods that are proven to restore your hair naturally so that you can kiss hair loss goodbye.

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1. Salmon: I love salmon. In fact I love almost all fish. They are good sources of protein as well as vitamin B12 and iron. But what's so great about salmon is that it's packed full of omega-3 fatty acids which will not only aid in hair growth, but it will support a healthy scalp.

2. Dark Green Veggies: Are you eating your veggies. Vegetables, especially dark green ones like spinach and broccoli are the perfect foods for hair growth. They contain vitamins A & C which is what's used by your body to produce the natural hair oil sebum.

3. Beans: As the joke goes they can be the 'musical fruit', but they also are ample sources of iron, zinc and biotin. A lot of stuff is being circulated about biotin and hair loss. It's a rarity to find someone who is deficient in this vitamin, but if they are they will lose some hair.

4. Nuts: Go nuts for hair and eat those such as walnuts, pecans and cashews. Big protein sources as well as sources of zinc for healthy hair growth. Theses are foods you just can't miss and they make for great snacks.To know more about food for hair click here

5. Poultry: This one is last on our list but this is by no means the least beneficial one. Always keep in mind that your hair is made up of protein. So therefore you need high-quality protein such as what you'll find in foods like chicken and turkey.


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