Simple But Effective Hair Care Tips

“Hair care” sounds very common right? But taking care of your hair’s regularly is very tough job in these busy working days. So, here in this article I would like to suggest some easy & healthy tips which help to take care of your hairs effectively. Know more in detail about pimples on face removal tips and home remedies for fair skin.

Wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo

Here regularly means after 2 days and it’s depend on your scalp type. If you having an oily scalp then please wash your hairs regularly between 2 to 3 days max. If you having very dry scalp & frizzy hairs then always oil you hair before the 2 hrs of wash & then wash your hairs.

Choose best suitable conditioner for your hairs

There are lots of conditioners are available in the market, but first know your hair type and then choose suitable conditioner. Never use too hard conditioner and I would suggest always go for ayurvedic conditioners.

Note* Never apply conditioner directly to the roots. Always use it from the distance of 3 centimeters from the scalp.

Regularly oil your hairs

Oiling your hairs is a very old but effective way to take care of your hairs. There are different types of hair oils are available in the markets. Always oil your hairs before one night of hair wash as it gives best result to various hair problems and helps to naturally conditioning the hairs.


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